Hearst Garden
Welcome to the Hearst Garden!
Did you know that Hearst has a garden? Want to volunteer? It's a wonderful opportunity to be outside with Hearst children and the garden presents so many wonderful educational opportunities for our kids.
If you'd like to volunteer or learn about volunteering, email the fabulous Pam LaCourse hearst.gardenangel@gmail.com.
Here's a blurb from Pam, our Garden Angel:
"We strive to explore and foster an appreciation for all living things - starting with students!. That's why you will see a lot of kid generated items in the garden and, if you choose to volunteer, you will see the kids doing most of the work. So, you don't have to be an expert gardener to volunteer. In fact, the more varied your backgrounds, the richer the sharing experience for everyone. You only have to have an appreciation for the free spirit of play and the desire to foster the educational opportunities that arise in this unique space. That, and reminding them how to stay safe! đŸ˜‰"
Questions? Please email Pam at hearst.gardenangel@gmail.com.