Fun Run
FUN RUN 2024 - September 27
For new families that joined our Hearst Community this year. The Annual Fun Run is the first Fundraiser of the year. Students will jog, walk or run for 10-20 minutes (depending on grade level). Our goal is to raise over $40,000 to fund school programs.
Each grade level will have a different color Fun Run shirt (provided by PTA) for the Fun Run.
TK/K- Red Shirts
1st grade- Orange Shirts
2nd grade- Yellow Shirts
3rd grade- Green Shirts
4th grade- Blue Shirts
5th grade- Purple Shirts
Also, we need every parent to sign the PTA Waiver on Future Fund in order for students to participate in any PTA event throughout the year (including the Fun Run, Trunk or Treat, Disco Bingo, and more). The waiver is a required part of Future Fund, so if you have already completed Future Fund, you are all set!
We can't wait for our Fun Run this year - more details coming soon!
If you have any questions, please contact our Fun Run Coordinator at